SAFETY RESOURCES INC., began in the early 1990’s focusing on high quality environmental, health, and safety services at a very reasonable cost. We are designed to work with a variety of industry including, life sciences, biotechnology, manufacturing, battery technology, and other high technology companies throughout Massachusetts. SAFETY RESOURCES INC., provides service for start-up through mid-sized companies, including incubator space.
SAFETY RESOURCES INC., can provide a safety consultant role on a single EH&S issue, complete required written environmental, health and safety policy or programs, complete a full scale EH&S audit of your facility, or provide EH&S contracting services on and on-going basis (become your internal EH&S Department)
All policies and procedures designed for your company, as outlined in our written agreement, become ownership of your company, once completed. They will be in a format that can be edited by you, as the needs of your program develops.